Is this the happiest dog in the world?

August 26, 2016 at 1:11 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Celebrity pup beams with delight as she rides on swing. Six-year-old dog called Uni-Chan lives in Tokyo, Japan, with her owner. She is a Shiba Inu




Odd news from around the world

Female hiker found alive in a remote mountain chalet – where she had been living for an entire MONTH after her partner slipped down a cliff edge and died: “The Czech woman, aged in her 30s, and her male companion in his 20s had set out on the Routeburn Track in New Zealand’s snow-clad Southern Alps, about 60 kilometres from Queenstown on July 24. But two days later he died after falling down a cliff after becoming disoriented and she had to fend for herself. She spent three nights in the open in the high country, where temperatures frequently plunge below zero degrees in winter. Eventually she reached the Lake MacKenzie track warden’s hut where she broke through a window to gain access and waited for weeks for rescue. Her mental and physical state – including frostbite – and deep snow stopped her from leaving. The hut had four bunks, cooking and heating facilities and was stocked with food, according to reports.

British Keystone Kops blow up pesto sandwich after being called to investigate suspicious package: “A bomb squad blew up a pesto sandwich after being called to investigate a suspicious package at London Bridge. Officers closed off a busy high street on Sunday afternoon after a brown bag was discovered at a bus stop close to The Shard and London Bridge train station. After an investigation, police decided to execute a controlled explosion on the package, which splattered pesto and bread across shop windows. Eye witness Adam Smith had tried to walk through Borough High Street, south London, but was stopped at a police cordon. ‘Standing at the bus stop chuckling to myself as I keep seeing more evidence of the sandwich explosion. ‘There is pesto on the first floor windows.’

Locksmith designs and builds his own wooden aircraft to get to work (and he even parks it on the street outside): “Frantisek Hadrava is not your normal work commuter. For starters, when the Czech locksmith parks his ride to work in the car park next to his building, he has to use four parking spaces. The 45-year-old also felt driving to work for 14 minutes was too much. So he cut his travel time in half. You see Mr Hadrava, 45, of Zdikov in the Czech Republic, now travels to work in an ultralight wooden plane after spending two years designing and building the aircraft. The flight takes less than 7 minutes and he insists the plane is cheaper than if he were to travel by car. The commute is 15 km away from his home by road. Based on the U.S. design of light planes called Mini-Max, the Vampira aircraft cost him about 100,000 Czech Koruna (about 3700 Euros) to build. The plane has an open cockpit, propeller powered by a 3-cylinder engine made by Czech firm Verner. Mr Hadrava said that the aircraft, which is almost entirely made of wood, had a fuel consumption of 6 litres of petrol per hour and can reach a top speed of 91 miles/hr.

American Nazis at work: “A nine-year-old aspiring pilot with a pacemaker has spoken about the ‘terrible’ ordeal he suffered at the hands of TSA at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor Airport. Chille Bergstrom was to travel home to Minnesota with his family on Saturday, but was denied an alternative screening process. He was then surrounded by armed police and agents, who told his mother they have stopped terrorists using children with pacemakers. The youngster, who was born with Godlen Hars Syndrome, has undergone 15 open heart surgeries in his short life – but still needs to have a pacemaker to survive with his four heart defects. Because of this, they are required to always request alternative screening as he cannot go through metal detectors – but in this case, the TSA refused. His mother Ali Bergstrom, of Wyoming, said she showed authorities the documentation proving Chille needs the alternative screening. A spokesman for TSA said the agency are reviewing the incident and in touch with the family”

George the dog who was left ‘depressed’ after his best friend died finds happiness with Donald the duck: “After a dog lost his best friend and fell into a depression, a duck came to the rescue. George, a pooch living in Tennessee, suffered the loss of his best friend, a Labrador named Blackie, two years ago. And, according to his owners, hasn’t quite been the same since. But last Thursday, George’s owner Jacquie Litton was surprised to discover that her beloved pup had gained himself a brand new friend, one that had taken to waddling after and cuddling up to grieving George. ‘We have no idea where this duck came from but he sure does love George,’ she wrote. ‘And since the duck has arrived George has not cried one time.’ George and Blackie had been together for 12 years, and his owner said that he ‘has been heart broken and has grieved with anxiety so bad that he has almost died twice.’

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

If only we knew the joke

August 25, 2016 at 1:10 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment




Odd news from around the world

Tall men are winners: “With regards to male body shape, research often focuses on the importance of height. Indeed, although the preference for a ‘tall, dark, handsome stranger’ is a cliche, there is a biological basis for this preference, with only healthy high quality men able to invest the physical resources required to develop tall stature. Hence, height is associated with positive physical and mental health. It is also related to important social outcomes such as social status, educational success, and income. This may reflect perceptions tall men are more assertive and dominant than shorter men. Consequently, research suggests tall men are more desirable to women and are themselves able to attract more attractive partners.

The pot plants that could clean up the air in your home: “They brighten up our homes and cheer up our offices. But house plants also clean up the air that we breathe. Research has shown that popular pot plants also absorb dangerous chemicals, leaving the air cleaner for us to breathe. One of the best ‘natural air fresheners’ is Guzmania lingulata, or the scarlet star, a colourful and tropical type of bromeliad which blooms for months indoors. Others include the corn plant (Dracaena fragrans) which boasts long, variegated leaves that are particularly good at mopping up acetone, the pungent chemical in nail varnish remover. The work comes amid mounting concern about the damage done by indoor air pollution, including toxins called volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, which released by everything from paint and printers to cleaning chemicals and dry-cleaned clothes. The Royal College of Physicians has estimated that indoor air pollution contributes to 99,000 deaths in Europe every year”

Here it is: The Shed of the Year: “The 2016 Cuprinol Shed of the Year is a real annual contest that is aired on BBC’s Channel 4 and apparently attracted thousands of viewers this year, who tuned in to watch Kevin Herbert’s Berkshire shed take home the top prize. Herbert’s shed is called West Wing, and unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) it is not a miniature version of the executive section of the White House wing, nor an homage to the NBC political drama. It is, however, made from 90% recycled materials and is basically a fun little apartment. It also took home the Eco Prize. The shed will reign for the next year,

Proof that money can’t buy you style: Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates hits St Tropez hotspot in socks and sandals: “He’s the co-founder of Microsoft and is worth a staggering £68 billion. But Bill Gates, 60, proved vast wealth can’t always buy you style when he made a major fashion faux pas – combining socks and sandals – while lunching with U2’s Bono in St Tropez, on Wednesday. Dressing down for the lunch-date at the Club 55 on Pampelonne Beach, the 56-year-old rocker and the tech guru, 60, appeared to have raided their holiday wardrobes. Heading to the sunny climes of the Cote d’Azur – popular with many of the yacht-set – for a spot of R&R, the two icons looked to have slipped into the Mediterranean mind-set.

Man falls through middle of old trampoline: “A man was caught on camera gracefully flipping and jumping on a trampoline – until he came down too hard and went right through the netting. In the video, the man on the trampoline flips forward, then back and forward again. Then the jumper does one more back flip – and plops right through the trampoline. Hysterical laughter roars from behind the camera as the man on the trampoline appears to have momentarily injured his groin. The jumper seems stunned but then sees the humor in his little accident. He’s then able to walk away with a smile on his face, leaving tow leg-sized holes in the trampoline”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.


August 24, 2016 at 6:56 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment




Odd news from around the world

Women are programmed to have affairs so they have a ‘back-up plan’ in case their relationship fails, say scientists: “What drives women to cheat is a subject that has been long debated over the years. And now scientists are suggesting women have been programmed by evolution to pursue affairs in case they decide to leave their partners. New research claims this ‘mate switching hypothesis’ particularly applies to childless women whose loved one can affect their ability to raise offspring. David Buss, Cari Goetz and their team told the Sunday Times: ‘Lifelong monogamy does not characterise the primary mating pattern of humans. ‘Breaking up with one partner and re-mating with another – mate switching – may more accurately characterise the common, perhaps the primary, mating strategy of humans.’ Scientists claim people would pick partners with the highest chance of survival, but have someone in reserve in case that person died”

Australia’s largest black truffle worth $3,000 and weighing 1.5kg is discovered near Melbourne: “A truffle farmer has dug up what could be Australia’s biggest truffle, weighing more than 1.5 kilograms. Stuart Dunbar, owner of the Yarra Valley Truffles farm in Victoria, and his Lagotto Romagnolo dog Lani found the earthy fungi under a tree root last Thursday. Mr Dunbar told Daily Mail Australia that he spotted it under a tree before the season, marked it and checked its growth regularly. ‘It took 45 minutes to carefully get it out from under a large tree root,’ he said. Weighing in at a hefty 1511.10 grams, the giant black winter truffle could fetch him $3,000. In previous seasons, he has harvested truffles in the 100-200 gram range, which he sells at $2 per gram. He said he has had a particularly good season this year, finding truffles ranging from 600-800 grams. He said that harvesting truffles can be a delicate process, adding that he has broken a few of the prized fungi this season”

Monster crocodile leaps into the air to try and catch a DRONE: “A five-metre long ‘monster’ crocodile in Australia’s remote outback was recently captured on video leaping out of shallow water in an attempt to snatch a drone out of the sky. Footage of the amazing moment, taken by a fisherman in the Kununurra region of Western Australia, shows the sheer power possessed by a man-eater of that size. Lying among reeds in shallow water, the massive animal is careful not to move, seemingly hoping to remain hidden from the drone it has sensed hovering overhead. After capturing a few seconds of footage of the reptile, the drone begins to fly off to see more of the stunning Australian landscape. But then, without any warning, the crocodile strikes. Leaping out of the water, the powerful reptile attempts to use its jaws to snatch the drone from the sky. Fortunately, the drone narrowly escaped the attack”

Treasure hunter accidentally finds one of the largest hauls of Roman coins in the UK: “A metal detectorist has revealed he managed to find the largest Roman coin hoard in the north of England because he was craving a bacon sandwich. David Blakey, 57, from Hartlepool, spent years searching for a significant haul of treasure in fields up and down the country. But it was only when he was about to give in and go for lunch during an early morning session in Wold Newton, East Yorkshire, he found the hoard of a lifetime in 2014. Experts believe the coins date back to the time of Constantine the Great, who resided in York during the 3rd Century. The coins are on display at the Yorkshire Museum until October, but the staff are hoping to raise the funds to keep the collection there permanently. A tired and hungry Mr Blakely was on his way back to his van for a bacon sandwich when his metal detector suddenly alerted him to what was a vast haul of Roman coins”

Egyptian man is jailed in Saudi Arabia after being accused of using a SORCERER to bewitch his employer: “An Egyptian man has reportedly been sentenced to six years in prison on charges of attempting to disturb public order, violating the kingdom’s labour laws and communicating with a sorcerer to bewitch his employer. The Egyptian, who was unnamed in a report by Saudi newspaper Okaz, was accused of acquiring a secret military document that listed the movements and names of Saudi troops and of emailing this document to the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon. Saudi Arabia and Iran are regional rivals. The kingdom has long-accused Iran of meddling in its affairs and trying to destabilise the region”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

Texas tan line

August 23, 2016 at 10:52 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment




Odd news from around the world

Melania puts Slovenia on the map: “When Melanija Knavs drove around Ljubljana in a fluffy skirt on a metallic blue Vespa with her boyfriend in the late 1980s, the Slovenian capital was a sleepy town that offered little excitement to rare visitors. Over the past two decades since she left her native Slovenia, became a model known as Melania Knauss and married American billionaire Donald Trump, Ljubljana has turned from a gray and drab place with almost no nightlife, into a lively and picturesque city filled with restaurants, cafes and nightclubs packed with foreigners. Slovenia has often been confused in the past with another small central European state, Slovakia. But since Donald Trump joined the presidential race in the U.S., his wife and potential first lady have come into public limelight, along with the country where she was born and raised”

Is Forest Bathing the New Yoga?: “Fitness trends cycle through their popularity so quickly that it’s hard to keep up. Does Soul Cycle still reign supreme? Is hot yoga in or out? Could the Olympics inspire a competitive badminton fad? But one recent craze captured my fancy: forest bathing. Despite its name, forest bathing has nothing to do with water. Rather, it’s an immersion in nature, often coupled with guided meditation. Originally known as shinrin-yoku, which translates to “taking in the forest atmosphere,” forest bathing began in Japan in the 1980s, and has been been linked to health benefits ranging from reduced blood pressure and stress levels to boosted immunity. The practice has been gaining popularity in the States, with luxury hotels like Blackberry Farm and the Mayflower Grace in Connecticut featuring it as a wellness experience”

‘Flying motorbike’ can hit 112mph on land AND in the air: “Maxim magazine recently selected PAL-V as the most likely company to deliver a ‘real’ flying car. ‘Clearly it is impressive that a magazine with a readership of close to 9 million people would recognize the work we have done to create a flying car that actually conforms to existing regulations and is safe to fly,’ said Robert Dingemanse, the firm’s CEO. He promises ‘significant updates’ in the next several months as the firm begins manufacturing of the PAL-V Limited Edition model. The firm says its design is ‘The ultimate vehicle to go wherever and whenever you want to, easily overcoming all sorts of barriers. ‘Now you can leave home and fly-drive to almost any destination! Avoid traffic jams and cross lakes, fjords, rivers or mountain ranges like an eagle. ‘Land on the other side and drive in your own vehicle to your final destination.'”

Suffering from wrist pain? A spoonful of sugar could help the healing process: “A sugar jab could be a new way to ease the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome, which affects over 1.5 million people in the UK. Researchers from Taiwan believe when the sugary mixture is injected into the hand, it will reduce inflammation and stimulate the tissue to heal. In a new study, doctors will treat 60 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome with a solution containing water and 5 per cent dextrose, a form of sugar derived from corn. Previous research has suggested dextrose injections can help reduce inflammation in patients with osteoarthritis, and animal studies have shown that the treatment can improve some tissue damage caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. The condition is very common and occurs when a nerve that runs into the hand becomes trapped or compressed at the wrist, as it passes through the carpal tunnel — a narrow passage in the wrist”

Will the Voynich manuscript finally be cracked? Publisher to create clones of ‘the world’s most mysterious book’: “It is a centuries-old manuscript written in an coded language that no one – not even the best cryptographers – has cracked. Scholars have spent their lives puzzling over the Voynich manuscript, whose intriguing mix of elegant writing and drawings of strange plants and naked women has some believing it holds magical powers. Now after a ten-year quest for access, Siloe, a small publishing house nestled deep in northern Spain, has secured the right to clone the document. Some suggest it was the work of Leonardo da Vinci as a boy, or secret Cathars, or the lost tribe of Israel, or most recently Aztecs. The weathered book is locked away in a vault at Yale University’s Beinecke Library, emerging only occasionally”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.


August 22, 2016 at 11:30 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

A very cranky old woman was arrested for shoplifting at a grocery store.

She gave everyone a hard time, from the store manager to the security guard to the arresting officer who took her away.

She complained and criticized everything and everyone throughout the process.

When she appeared before the judge, the judge asked her what she had stolen from the store.

The lady defiantly replied, “Just a stupid can of peaches.”

The judge then asked why she had done it.

She replied, “I was hungry and forgot to bring any cash to the store.”
The judge asked how many peaches were in the can.

She replied in a nasty tone, “Nine! But why do you care about that?”

The judge answered patiently, “Well, ma’am, because I’m going to give you nine days in jail — one day for each peach.”

As the judge was about to drop his gavel, the lady’s long-suffering husband raised his hand slowly and asked if he might speak.

The judge said, “Yes sir, what do you have to add?”

The husband said meekly, “Your Honor, she also stole a can of peas.”




Odd news from around the world

Pine named Adonis found growing in Greece is named Europe’s oldest tree as scientists say it was planted more than 1,000 years ago: “It was first planted over a century before the Battle of Hastings on the highlands of northern Greece. And now a Bosnian Pine tree named Adonis has been named as Europe’s oldest tree after growing for more than 1,075 years. The tree was first planted in 941AD – some 87 years before William the Conqueror was even born – and has now been discovered by scientists at Stockholm University and the University of Mainz. Swedish dendrochronologist Dr Paul Krusic who led the expedition said: ‘It is quite remarkable that this large, complex and impressive organism has survived so long in such an inhospitable environment, in a land that has been civilised for over 3,000 years.’ Adonis is one of more than a dozen others which are of millennial age, found in a treeline forest high in the Pindos mountains.

16-year-old ‘protective’ cat named Baby mauls SEVEN pitbulls and hospitalizes a dog walker in vicious attack: “An overprotective cat has unleashed furry fury on seven unsuspecting pitbulls out for a walk. The 16-year-old pet named Baby attacked the feisty dogs as they strolled past the front of the cat’s home on Monday in British Columbia, Canada. Betty Jean Thompson, who owns the stereotype-breaking scratcher, said she tried to warn the walkers not to bring their dogs too close. But the warning came too late, and moments later Baby was flying through the air with her claws extended, aiming for Javiera Rodriguez’s pitbull, Bandita. Rodriguez said the cat immediately latched onto her dog’s face, clawing at her eyes and mouth. Massive red scratches covered Bandita’s face, with the damage so bad she had to be taken to the vet. One of the other women walking her dogs, Kyla Grover, was hurt while trying to break up the cross-species brawl. She had to go to hospital after being bitten and scratched on her hand by the ferocious feline”

The more we see someone, the more attractive we find them, say researchers: “It is often said that familiarity breeds contempt. In fact, it sems that the more we see someone, the more attractive we find them. Far from falling head over heels, we may find love at second, third or even fourth sight. Researchers at Hamilton College in New York State gathered a range of photographs of faces and had them rated for attractiveness on a nine-point scale by a focus group. During the second viewing, the attractive faces were deemed extra-appealing and scored more highly than the first-time round. And the monitors showed bigger jumps in two types of brainwave that are generated when we are excited.

Rabbit cafe opens its doors in Hong Kong to animal lovers: “The newest addition to Hong Kong’s cafe scene is taking a soft approach to business – and the hosts are all ears. ‘Rabbitland’ offers a new breed of dining experience, with 12 resident bunnies who munch on grass while customers pet them between sips of tea. Tucked away on the third floor of a high-rise in the busy commercial district of Causeway Bay, the cafe says it gives people who have no room to keep a pet in space-starved Hong Kong the chance to bond with the fluffy animals. Most of the rabbits have been abandoned by previous owners, and aren’t on sale. ‘I like how soft they are and like their fur and how gentle they are when you feed them,’ says Natalie Chan, 11, whose mother had brought her to find out more about keeping rabbits as she wants one as a pet”

Mother sues hospital in Victoria for costs of raising son after failed termination: “A 23-year-old woman is suing her doctor and the public health system for hundreds and thousands after a botched termination left her with a son she did not want. Two days after the termination a report by the hospital found a pathology sample taken as part of the termination procedure showed no foetal parts or other remnants of the pregnancy. But she says a month later she returned to her GP feeling tenderness and a prickling sensation in her lower abdomen. The GP referred her for another blood test, but not for an ultrasound. Three days later, she returned, still “feeling a bit sick”. The blood test showed elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin, a hormone produced when you’re pregnant. The woman claims that after this visit she should have been given an ultrasound to “see if the uterus and surrounding tubes were empty of pregnancy”.

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

Wisdom at work

August 21, 2016 at 10:38 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment



Odd news from around the world

Man who left his wife to marry his own MOTHER-IN-LAW says he has made a mistake: “A man in India who fell in love with his mother-in-law and ended up marrying her has now realised the folly of his ways and filed for divorce. Suraj Mahto, 22, hit the headlines in June when he abandoned his wife Lalita and married her mother, 42-year-old Asha Devi. The unusual affair began when Mrs Devi came to stay with the couple in the village of Puraini in the impoverished state of Bihar last year. She looked after Mr Mahto when he became ill and they fell in forbidden love. Eventually, despite the objections of villagers, the couple eloped and married on June 1 this year in nearby Dhamdaha. Two months on the couple have both realised they have made a crazy mistake. The Gulf News reported that Mr Mahto said: ‘I have come to realise my folly now. I admit I have committed the mistake but will never repeat in future”

Village turned into a sea of ginger as 1,000 people take part in speed dating and carrot tossing at Ireland’s annual Redhead Convention: “An Irish village turned into a sea of red today as more than 1,000 people arrived for a festival to celebrate their ginger hair. Crosshaven in County Cork is the setting for the seventh annual Irish Redhead Convention. Advertised as a ‘fun filled weekend of freckles and frolics’, the event includes ginger speed dating and a carrot tossing championship. The festival began as a joke between two siblings, but has turned into a major event run by 50 volunteers. Organiser Joleen Cronin, who thought up the idea in the pub with her brother, Denis, described the weekend as an ’empowering and life-changing experience’. Ireland has the second highest proportion of natural gingers in the world, at 10 per cent, just behind Scotland at 13 per cent”

Man ‘high on meth’ rushed his friend to hospital completely unaware that he had been dead for over a day: “A man who had been dead for over a day was taken to the emergency department of a Perth hospital by his friend, who was ‘high on meth’ at the time. The drug-affected man drove his truck through the main entrance of Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital on July 8, completely unaware of his friend’s deceased state. Witnesses told Perth Now that hospital staff attempted to keep the tragic news from the intoxicated man, who was already acting agitated and confused. Western Australia police said that the death of the 44-year-old man, from Cannington in Perth, was ‘sudden’ and ‘non-suspicious’.

Owners shocked to discover their six-month-old puppy swallowed 20cm steak knife when they took her to the vet when she started vomiting: “A puppy has swallowed a 20cm-long steak knife and endured almost one hour of surgery after it became lodged next to her heart. Lexie, a six-month-old Staffy, was believed to have had an upset tummy when she was taken to the vet after repeatedly vomiting. But a shocking X-ray revealed Lexie had swallowed a serrated knife, and was rushed to see specialists for life-saving surgery at Animal Referral Hospital (ARH) in Homebush in Sydney’s west. She appeared to have luckily swallowed the knife handle-first. ‘I thought she was going to die,’ Lexie’s owner said, according to video posted to the ARH Facebook page. Lexie underwent 45 minutes of surgery to have the knife delicately pulled back up her oesophagus. The owner could not explain how Lexie managed to swallow the knife”

Strict parents ‘turn children into liars’: “Strict parents are more likely turn their children into ‘very skilled and effective liars’ academics claimed yesterday. Psychotherapist Philippa Perry said that parents who are too strict create an atmosphere ‘whereby the child does not feel safe telling the truth’. Controversially she said all lies are co-created and by not allowing a situation where children can tell the truth, parents can only blame themselves if they find out they have been deceived. Her comments are supported by research from Canadian psychologist Victoria Talwar who developed an experiment to measure children’s lies”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

Mr Popularity

August 20, 2016 at 11:48 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment




Odd news from around the world

Something Queer Going on in Farmland: ““In 1790, farmers were 90 percent of the U.S. labor force,” writes economist Walter Williams. “By 1900, about 41 percent of our labor force was employed in agriculture. Today, less than 3 percent of Americans are employed in agriculture.” You know what makes up an even smaller percentage? Lesbian farmers. Yet Barack Obama’s Department of Agriculture has begun a “rural pride” campaign to address this pressing issue. “The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Civil Rights, in collaboration with the National Center for Lesbian Rights and The True Colors Fund, will engage with LGBT rural communities across the country to host the LGBT Rural Summit Series,” the USDA says. “Each series will offer a unique opportunity for USDA and other federal agencies to share information relating to policies, programs, and services that exist to protect, promote and strengthen LGBT rural communities.”

Jurassic Auk! Researchers reveal plan to use DNA to bring back flightless seabird that has been extinct for 200 years: “It was last seen on British shores 200 years ago – but the great auk could soon return. An international team of scientists has met to discuss reintroducing the flightless marine birds onto the Farne islands off the north-east coast of England. Until the species’ final extinction in the middle of the 19th century, great auks ranged across the Atlantic from Northern Europe to Iceland, Canada and the eastern United States. Scientists could extract great auk DNA from fossils or preserved organs. From this, they hope to be able to sequence the animal’s entire genetic code, or genome. This could then be edited into the cells of its nearest living relative, the razorbill. Fertilised embryos would then be implanted into a bird big enough to lay a great auk egg, such as a goose”

Ancient Chinese BLING: 1,500-year-old skeleton found buried in golden jewellery and 5,000 beads: “Around 1,500 years ago, a woman named Farong – the wife of a Chinese magistrate – was laid to rest in all her finery. The remains of her skeleton – still draped in her exquisite jewellery – have now been unearthed in a tomb in China. The ancient bling includes a necklace of 5,000 beads and ‘exquisite’ golden earrings, archaeologists have reported. The epitaph on the tomb reads: ‘Han Farong, the wife of Magistrate Cui Zhen’. The tomb dates back to 1,500 years ago – a few decades before the collapse of the Northern Wei dynasty in 534 AD. She wore a pendant with a sequin-bead pattern on its neck and an inverted lotus flowers carved into it. Her earrings were decorated with gold, teardrop-shaped designs inlaid with gemstones. The tomb was discovered in Datong City, China”

Woman accuses her boyfriend of cheating after confusing Duracel with DUREX (condoms) on his Sainsbury’s receipt: “A man has revealed how his girlfriend ‘went mental’ after suspecting him of cheating – when she found a payment for a ‘Duracel Twin Pack’ on his receipt. The conversation read: ‘Birds just gone mental at me in the car. Found a receipt from sainsburys threw at my face. WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU BUYING JONNYS FOR.’ The accompanying picture showed the receipt which listed a purchase of an £8 Duracel battery twin pack, the girlfriend presumably having misread Duracel as Durex. Angeline Roberts wrote: ‘Somebody needs to have a word with the bird !!’

Joy of mother told her sick son would die by the age of 3 after doctors discover he simply has a VITAMIN deficiency: “Toddler Taylor Davison was rushed to hospital in April after he went limp, floppy and was unable to stand and lift his head. His condition deteriorated when he started to have breathing difficulties and his weight fell to just 7lbs – 4oz less than when he was born. When tests and MRI scans came back clear, Taylor’s parents were told the most likely explanation for his symptoms was Leigh’s syndrome. As the doctors battled to stabilise him, Taylor’s blood tests were sent to a specialist clinic in Oxford. But while Ms Rossiter anxiously awaited the results, Taylor was started on a series of vitamin tablets used to ease the symptoms of the condition. He responded to the treatment far better than expected – eating properly and learning how to walk again within a few days. Now 21 months, Taylor is fighting fit and only needs to take daily vitamin supplements to stay well”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

If only they could figure out how

August 19, 2016 at 2:24 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment




Odd news from around the world

‘The saddest eyes I ever seen’: The trapped dog who was rescued from devastating Louisiana floods moments before she would have drowned: “A Good Samaritan helping rescue people in the deadly flooding of Louisiana is earning praise for rescuing a dog just in the nick of time from drowning. Josh Pettit wrote on Facebook that he was in his boat skimming over several feet of water on Monday after flash flooding when he spotted a ‘bush shaking’ and looked over and all he saw was a gray muzzle and a pair of frightened eyes staring up at him, the rest of the dog submerged underneath the muddy waters. ‘The dog could barely tread water anymore she was so worn out and had the saddest eyes I ever seen so scared for her life! We saved her and she came laid her head on my lap and cried and moaned like a big baby! She was thanking me. I thank God for letting me notice her,’ Pettit posted”

There was more trouble Tuesday for the man who flies with a monkey: “Ellis flew from Ohio to Las Vegas on Aug. 9 and landed in the news when Ellis was unable to produce proper paperwork during the flight for the undeclared monkey a flight attendant spotted peeking out of Ellis’ shirt. The “misunderstanding” was worked out with police officers that met the plane when it landed in Las Vegas. But when Ellis tried to fly back to Ohio’s John Glenn Columbus International Airport on Tuesday, he was denied boarding because he is now on Frontier’s no-fly list. Ellis flew back to Ohio on Southwest Airlines instead, reports KSNV.Frontier spokesman Jim Faulkner said the carrier refunded the return portion of Ellis’ ticket and explained that Ellis was placed on Frontier’s no-fly list after the first leg of his trip “because he did not follow proper procedures concerning traveling with a therapeutic or emotional support animal.”

Never eat bananas for breakfast: “IF IT’S one of those days where you’re grabbing breakfast on the go, a banana sounds like the perfect option. It’s healthy, nutritious and will give us an often much-needed morning energy boost. But according to a nutritionist, surprisingly the yellow fruit alone is one of the worst breakfast items we can have, reports The Sun. Despite being chock-full of potassium, fibre and magnesium, bananas aren’t a great option for the first meal of the day. The reason? They are made up of a whopping 25 per cent natural sugar, which will deliver a sugar rush leading to a crash a few hours on. Unless it’s paired with another “healthy fat” food, they’ll only temporarily fill you up and leave you feeling sleepy and sluggish later. They’re also not great for helping you maintain a healthy digestive system.”

Holidaymakers left baffled after stumbling on orbs which are washing up on beaches in Britain: “Holidaymakers searching for seashells have been left baffled by clusters of ‘alien’ orbs that have washed up on Britain’s beaches. Hundreds of the strange spheres have been spotted by families enjoying strolls along the shorelines of Devon and Cornwall. Concerned parents are keeping their children away from the orbs, fearing they could be poisonous. Dog walker Jess Arnieson, 27, who is on holiday with her family in Penzance from Newbury, Berkshire, said: ‘No-one knows what they are but everyone is worried. The mother-of-one was taking two-year-old Labrador, Rupert, along the beach when she stumbled across the spheres. She said: ‘There were hundreds of them stretching away as far as you could see along the shoreline – it was quite incredible. ‘The ones I saw were a bit smaller than a football but it’s possible there were some that were bigger…I didn’t want to go any farther along the beach.’

‘P*** off, you’re no’ getting anything’: Five-foot great-grandmother, 66, used an iron bar to fend off robber: “A brave great-grandmother used an iron bar to fend off a robber who was trying to raid the bookmakers where she worked and told him: ‘P*** off, you’re no’ getting anything.’ Mary Buchan, 66, stood up to Michael McLean, a six-foot tall thug who had previously raided a nearby bookies armed with a shovel. But her actions prevented McLean from taking anything from William King and Sons bookmaker in Glasgow, Scotland. Ms Buchan, who is just 5ft tall, said: ‘I was in the shop myself, it was night time. ‘He said I am in here to get your money so I never answered him. ‘My reaction was “p*** off ’cause I am no’ giving you anything”.’ He didn’t bargain on coming face to face with Mary, who is from Castlemilk. [A rough area]. On Tuesday, McLean was jailed for five years at the High Court of Glasgow. The court heard McLean was identified from CCTV footage in the bookies”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

The Man Who Gave Up Sex for Golf

August 18, 2016 at 11:58 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

A golfer is in a competitive match with a friend, who is ahead by a couple of strokes.. “Boy,I’d give anything to sink this putt”, the golfer mumbles to himself.

Just then, a stranger walks up beside him and whispers, “Would you be willing to give up a quarter of your sex life to sink the putt?” Thinking the man is crazy and his answer will be meaningless, the golfer also feels that maybe this is a good omen, so he says, “Sounds good to me,” – and promptly sinks the putt!

Two holes later, he mumbles to himself again, “Gosh, I wish I could get an eagle on this one.” The same stranger is suddenly at his side again and whispers, “Would it be worth giving up another quarter of your sex life to make an eagle?” Shrugging,the golfer replies, “Okay.” And, amazingly, he makes the eagle.

On the final hole, the golfer needs another eagle to win. Without waiting for him to say anything, the stranger quickly moves to his side and says, “Would winning this match be worth giving up the rest of your sex life?” “Definitely,” the golfer replies, and, sure enough, he makes the eagle – and wins the match.

As the golfer is walking to the club house, the stranger walks along beside him and says, “I haven’t really been fair with you because you don’t know who I am. I’m Satan, and from this day forward you really will have no sex life at all.”

“Nice to meet you,” the golfer replies. “I’m Father O’Malley.”




Odd news from around the world

Boy, 10, drags german shepherd off his mum: “Oscar Arrowsmith, 10, dragged his mother’s german shepherd off her when it snapped and went into “kill mode”. He ran towards Dana Lyall’s screams as she shielded the family’s older dog from the usually placid Lexi, who had started a fight, in their Cockatoo home near Melbourne in 2012. “She lunged and lunged again and again – it happened six times until Oscar dragged her and locked her in the bathroom. To this day, Ms Lyall cannot understand why the dog didn’t turn on her son. “He’s just a skinny little reedy thing. There’s nothing of him. So for him to be able to do that is just amazing,” she said. “Without a doubt, if Oscar wasn’t there that dog would have killed me.”

Goldfish are off the scale in Perth’s lakes and rivers: “GIANT goldfish — tipping the scales at up to 2kg each — are causing havoc for native fish in West Australian waterways, say researchers. Academics at Murdoch University say the goldfish, often unwanted pets disposed of in suburban Perth lakes or rivers, are destroying habitats for native breeds of fish. The goldfish populate lakes and rivers across the South-West and travel up to 230km a year. The goldfish monitoring revealed most of the fish — about 60 per cent — left the river for a wetland to breed and spawn. “There’s quite a narrow connection in the river into that wetland and that gives us a much better chance if we target that spot and control the species,” Dr Beatty said. Dr Beatty said introduced species such as goldfish could disturb habitat and consume eggs of native fish. Goldfish have also been found to spread a disease affecting the skin of native fish.

Is THIS the most beautiful engagement ring ever?: “From dream dresses to picture-perfect flower arrangements and table settings, many brides-to-be often take to Pinterest for wedding inspiration. The ‘visual bookmarking’ website is a gold mine for everything nuptial, whether that be the dress, the invitation, the decorations or, of course, the engagement ring. And one ring reigns supreme. An 18 Karat white gold ring from Raymond Lee Jewelers [sic] has over 77,000 pins, even though it retails for around $10,500 AUD ($8,000). Cut in a classic and intricate shape, the ring has a 1.30 Karat diamond, with diamond accents and details around the edge. The simple style has been frequently described as ‘exquisite’ or ‘stunning’ on Pinterest.”

Teenager is outraged as a Freshers’ magazine sent by UCAS tells her boyfriend to start university as a ‘free agent’: “An 18-year-old fashion blogger was stunned when a leaflet sent by UCAS told her boyfriend it is better to be single at university. Lauren Rosenbaum, from Fife, in Scotland, shared her surprise on Twitter yesterday and said the higher education application website were not going to ‘steal her man’. Max Brooks, 17, is going to Naiper University in September but after going into clearing Miss Rosenbaum wasn’t eligible for the Journalism course she wanted to do so is taking a gap year before hopefully joining him at Naiper in 2017. The booklet explains that ‘university is all about new experiences and meeting new people, so save the heartache now and start your university life as a free agent. Trust me, you won’t regret it’. It is believed UCAS sent it to all students to start in September”

World’s largest aircraft finally takes to the skies for a successful maiden voyage: “The world’s largest aircraft branded ‘the flying bum’ has taken to the skies in a successful maiden voyage – the first since a revamp in Britain. The 302ft-long Airlander 10 – part plane, part helicopter, part airship – loomed overhead at Cardington airfield in Bedfordshire as the sun started to set on this evening. Photographers and plane spotters baked in the sun as they waited to see the aircraft, whose bulbous exterior has earned it the less-than-glamorous nickname ‘the flying bum’, take off. Crowds clapped and cheered as the craft soared above them during its first outing from the First World War hangar where it was revealed in March after undergoing ‘hundreds’ of changes by Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) over two years. First developed for the US government as a long-endurance surveillance aircraft, the British firm launched a campaign to return the craft to the sky after it fell foul of defence cutbacks”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke

August 17, 2016 at 8:42 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

It seems that lately my life has been getting more complicated, and I want to thank those of you who are brave enough to still associate with me regardless of what I have become. The following is a recap of my current identity:

I was born white, which makes me a racist.

I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which makes me a fascist.

I am heterosexual, which makes me a homophobe.

I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.

I am a Christian, which makes me an infidel.

I am older than 70 and retired, which makes me a useless old person.

I think and I reason; therefore I doubt much that the mainstream media tells me, which makes me a reactionary.

I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me a xenophobe.

I value my safety and that of my family; therefore I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.

I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual’s merits, which makes me anti-social.

I, and my friends, acquired a good education without student loans and no debt at graduation, which makes me some kind of odd underachiever.

I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland by all citizens, which makes me a militarist.

Please help me come to terms with this, because I’m not sure who I am anymore! Newest problem – I’m not sure which bathroom I should use.




Odd news from around the world

Deranged woman: “Many women dream of fuller lips and that perfect pout. But one mother has revealed how she splashed out nearly £2,000 on lip fillers in order to achieve her dream mouth. Alia Byrne, from Liverpool, has had 6.5ml of dermal fillers injected into her lips in just under a year to give her the super size trout pout she’s always wanted. And while Alia, 30, admits that she gets strange looks and has been criticised she says she wants her lips to be even bigger. She explained: ‘My new lips have given me so much confidence. Sometimes I do get stares down the street and my mum has told me to stop getting lip fillers. ‘But it doesn’t bother me. It’s my life and lips and I don’t care.’ Single mother Alia, who has a two-year-old son, says that her fillers are the only time she splurges on herself. ‘Everything I have goes to my child. I have always lived my life for my son and getting fillers is something I’ve done just for me,’ the care worker explained.”

Cheeky squirrel is caught photobombing couple’s engagement picture: “Hands to its mouth and munching on a snack this squirrel appears unperturbed by the romantic proceedings going on behind him. Meanwhile, Kelin Flanagan and Spencer Taubner seem to be unaware of the photobombing critter as they engage in a passionate kiss on a rock in the Canadian Rockies. The couple, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, said they are delighted with the result of their engagement photo shoot, adding that the squirrel has been a source of amusement for friends and family. The couple had planned to hike to Helen Lake, but when bad weather hit Banff National Park, Alberta, they decided to take some pictures in a rocky area close to the trail when they spotted two squirrels. The pictures were taken by Marcin and Dorota Karpowicz of BDFK Photography, who confirmed the picture was genuine. ‘On our way back we saw a nice spot for the photos ― a kind of stony area. When we started shooting, the squirrel showed up,’ Marcin told the Huffington Post”

Switchel, a drink first created by Amish farmers, is the latest trend with fitness enthusiasts: “It’s known as ‘nature’s gatorade’ and is said to be filled with endless goodness. But despite it only becoming a mainstream trend recently, Switchel is by no means a new creation. Created by Amish farmers to keep them hydrated during long days in the field, the electrolyte-filled drink can easily be put together in any kitchen. Containing ginger, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and maple syrup, not only is Switchel filled with health benefits, but it also tastes sensational. Although the recipe has been around for centuries, the exact health benefits of the drink aren’t completely known. Full of natural goodness in the form of sodium, calcium and potassium, it’s set to be one of 2016’s biggest hits among fitness enthusiasts”

Woman checks in at Virgin America wearing just her underwear: “A young woman checking into a Virgin America flight brought a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘travelling light’ when she turned up with just a pair of underpants on her lower half. The blonde passenger shocked those queuing behind her at the check-in desk after brazenly speaking to a member of staff with her bottom exposed. Oblivious to the shock of the people in the queue behind her, the otherwise smartly-attired lady, who is wearing a beige blazer and a pair of black ballet pumps, leans against the counter as the member of staff in front of her makes a phone call. One person questioned whether the air conditioning had broken down at the airport, because the Virgin America employee also appeared to be suffering from the heat with two electric fans directed at her face”

Researchers spot bizarre ‘googly-eyed’ stubby squid 900 feet down on the sea floor off California: “It looks uncannily like something you’d expect to see on Sesame Street – and not on the seabed 900 metres down. The amazing video of the googly-eyed squid has gone viral after it was spotted off the coast of California by a research vessel. The stubby squid was spotted by the the E/V Nautilus, which uses a remotely operated underwater vehicle to explore the ocean floor. Stubby squid live in the Northern Pacific between Japan and Southern California, and are usually spotted at a depth of about 300 meters. This species spends life on the seafloor, activating a sticky mucus jacket and burrowing into the sediment to camouflage, leaving their eyes poking out to spot prey like shrimp and small fish. The team later determined the cephalopod was a Stubby squid — also known as Rossia pacifica — which is closely related to cuttlefish, according to a description of the video posted by the team that captured the footage”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

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