Poland has a real James Bond

October 23, 2009 at 6:23 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The name is K — Tomek K. It does not exactly trip off the tongue but in all other respects Poland’s equivalent of James Bond qualifies for the title of suavest undercover agent in Eastern Europe.

He drives a Porsche Cayenne, rides a Harley-Davidson, wears Armani suits, flaunts platinum credit cards, flashes expensive dental work and seduces women in the line of duty — and has just had his cover blown by Polish newspapers. The 33-year-old agent, who uses multiple pseudonyms, is the most energetic operative for the country’s controversial Anti-Corruption Agency (CBA). But now the publication of the agent’s leaked details — his pseudonyms have included Tomasz Malecki and Tom Piotrowski — and of a blurred photograph as well as information about his past operations has put his life in serious danger, according to his former boss.

In his most recent coup, a star in the Polish television equivalent of Strictly Come Dancing was allegedly caught out for her role as a go-between in a murky bribery deal. Weronika Marczuk-Pazura — a curvaceous blonde in the Bond girl tradition — denies wrongdoing and has told the press that she was set up by the man known as Agent Tomek.

“His eyes were heavy with passion as he tried to seduce me,” she said. As they became lovers he seemed so trustworthy that she took him to meet her parents — not something that happened very often to 007.

Last year, Polish radio reported, the same agent had an affair with Beata Sawicka, a politician from the Civic Platform group, while investigating her for allegedly accepting bribes in a corrupt land deal.

Agent Tomek also featured in an operation — one that failed — to investigate Jolanta Kwasniewska and her husband Aleksander, the former President, on suspicion of not declaring their full income.

“This man is a highly professional and experienced officer who has been conducting special operations aimed at combating organised crime and drug trafficking,” said Mariusz Kaminski, his former boss at the CBA.

Agent Tomek, who had been a detective at the equivalent of Special Branch, had been chosen for his acting talents and later assigned to infiltrate the world of international drug dealing. “In order to appear credible, Tomek had to mirror the values of the social group that he was trying to penetrate,” said Mr Kaminski, fending off criticism that the agency subsidised Tomek K’s extravagant lifestyle.

Original story here


Tennessee men arrested for ‘sex with farm animals’: “Police are investigating a farm which allegedly promoted itself as a destination for sex with farm animals. 58-year-old James Tait – who was convicted in 2005 of trespassing on a neighbour’s ranch to allegedly have sex with horses – has been caught with his pants down, accused of bestiality on another US farm. He was charged with three counts of felony animal cruelty. Kenny Thomason, who lives with Tait in Maury County, was also charged with two counts of the same offence. “They’ve been having sex with full-grown horses,” Maury County Detective Terry Chandler. “(Tait) has been here for four years, and it looks like it has been going on for some time.” Det. Chandler said the pair lived on the farm owned by Mr Thomason, which housed 13 horses, Shetland ponies, goats and dogs. The detective said it was suspected people had been having sex with the ponies and dogs, as well as the larger horses. Police were tipped off after an anonymous person who had visited the alleged sex farm emailed authorities photos of the a man performing bestiality. Authorities had also discovered several video tapes explicitly showing men performing the acts on the farm animals leading them to believe it could be a haven for animal sex. Tait was arrested in 2005 for trespassing into a neighbour’s farm to allegedly have sex with the horses, a crime which is believed to have resulted in another man’s death. Tait pleaded guilty to the crime”

SC: 67-year-old captures suspected burglars with hoe handle: “A 67-year-old Belvedere man ran down and captured two suspected burglars armed only with determination and a hoe handle Sunday afternoon. After a short sprint into the woods the man emerged with the two 18-year-old suspects and he and his wife held them until Aiken County Sheriff’s Deputies could arrive on the scene. The couple went to the mobile home of the man’s mother in Belvedere around 4:30 pm to replace a decal that was out of date and noticed a broom handle placed on the front door was missing. As they made their way to the back of the home they spotted the two men running out the back door and into the woods. The man grabbed a hoe handle from the back of his truck and went after them. A short time later the man exited the woods with the two suspects and he and his wife ordered them to the ground until police arrived.”

32 planets discovered outside solar system: “Thirty-two planets have been discovered outside Earth’s solar system through the use of a high-precision instrument installed at a Chilean telescope, an international team announced Monday. The existence of the so-called exoplanets — planets outside our solar system — was announced at the European Southern Observatory/Center for Astrophysics, University of Porto conference in Porto, Portugal, according to a statement issued by the observatory.”

Australian woman ‘stole jewellery while carrying baby’: “A woman allegedly broke into a home on Sydney’s North Shore whilst carrying an 18-month-old boy. The alleged break-and-enter was in progress yesterday when police arrived at the home in Bungalow Ave, Pymble around 1.20pm. A Kuring-Gai Highway Patrol officer intercepted the woman and another man as they left the house and got into a car driven by a second woman. Police began a pursuit but abandoned it a short time later in Minns Rd, when it became a foot chase through surrounding bushland. The woman, still holding the child, was caught just minutes later. The other two were arrested after being tracked through the bush by a police dog. Police will allege that a number of items, including jewellery, were found in the trio’s vehicle. All three were taken to Hornsby Police Station where they were questioned with two later charged with a string of offences. The 26-year-old Nowra woman was charged with break, enter and steal and refused bail. The little boy, said to be the child of one of the two women, has been placed in the care of relatives.”

Burger King sells Windows 7 Whoppers: “In yet another bizarre bit of promotion, Burger King in Japan is selling a seven-pattied Whopper hamburger to commemorate the launch of Windows 7, Microsoft’s new operating system. As first reported by Electronista, the new burger measures 5.1 inches tall and costs 777 yen, or $8.53 U.S. Microsoft has embraced some alternative manners to promote the launch of Windows 7 operating system, including the widely ridiculed Tupperware-like house party. The launch party promotion included the distribution of party packs, and a video demonstration that showed participants how to host a successful get-together. Overseas, Microsoft has enacted a number of promotions related to the number seven, including a free giveaway of the operating system to residents of the Dutch village Zevenhuizen, which translates to “Seven Houses.” Apple’s rival to the north also reportedly decorated parts of the Spanish village Sietes, which translates to “Sevens.”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

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