Is she real?

October 22, 2009 at 2:33 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The associated story about makeup implies that she is. Some makeup!


Unofficial extradition. France gets its man: “A retired accountant whose daughter was killed 27 years ago was facing charges last night over the alleged abduction of the man he always blamed for her death. The man was left bound, gagged and injured outside a French courtroom. Andre Bamberski, 72, is suspected of taking justice into his own hands over the German authorities’ failure to act against Dieter Krombach, a German cardiologist, after a French court convicted him of manslaughter in his absence. Mr Krombach, 74, was found trussed up with head injuries in a lane near the criminal court in the eastern city of Mulhouse on Sunday after an anonymous caller with an Eastern European accent tipped off police. Mr Bamberski, who is of Polish origin and lives near Toulouse, was in Mulhouse at the weekend and is suspected of making the call, police said…. Francois Gibault, Mr Bamberski’s lawyer, said: “He never gave up in the face of the inertia of the justice system. He is a brave, determined man but this manhunt had become an obsession. He had nothing left to lose.” Mr Krombach, who is legally a fugitive, is likely to be held in France to face a new trial.”

Giant seagull fails to faze newsreader: “In A scene reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film The Birds, a giant seagull stole the show on the Channel Nine News in Melbourne last night. The massively magnified bird walked across a real-time projection of the Melbourne cityscape behind newsreader Peter Hitchener’s head while he was reading a story about a 27-year-old murder on the 6pm news. Ever the professional, the news stalwart only mildly flinched on noticing the seagull but later told 3AW radio the studio cameramen hid behind their cameras to hide their laughter. “I was reading away, and it was a serious story, and I suddenly thought, ‘Oh my gosh that seagulls back again’, because we had bit of a problem last night,” Hitchener said. “About 50 seconds to 6 o’clock this seagull arrived and started pecking at the camera and it had the beadiest huge eyes you’ve ever seen in your life.” [Video at link]

Repentant robber in mid-heist prayer: “A repentant robber fell to his knees and prayed with the clerk of the store during a hold-up, according to US media today, which said the man nevertheless proceeded to pinch $20 from the cash register. The 23-year-old initially entered the check-cashing establishment in the midwestern city of Indianapolis, Indiana seeking a loan but left, purportedly to get an identification card that was requested, law enforcement officials told ABC television. He returned armed with a gun, which he pointed at the employee, telling her that he had a son to feed and “no choice” but to revert to robbery since “times are hard”, according to the report of the heist. But when the clerk started to talk to the man about God, the gunman appeared to have a change of heart, confiding in the clerk about his hardships and asking her to pray with him. “I started crying and praying and telling him, ‘Don’t do this’, he was too young to throw away his life,” store clerk Angela Montez later told a police dispatcher by phone. “He took the bullet out of the gun and said, ‘Here, I’m not going to hurt you, I’m not going to hurt you’,” Ms Montez said. The suspect, Gregory Smith, asked Ms Montez for a hug and asked her not to report the crime, then told her to go into the store’s restroom and not come out for 20 minutes, police told ABC. Officials said Mr Smith took Ms Montez’s cell phone from her purse and $US20 from the cash drawer, leaving the rest of the money behind. He was arrested on robbery and firearm charges when he turned himself in to authorities a few hours later.”

Japan: Man sues hospital over artificial rectum: “A Japanese man has sued a hospital, arguing it unnecessarily gave him an artificial rectum after misdiagnosing him as suffering rectal cancer, a hospital official says. The man underwent surgery in March at a university hospital in western Miyazaki prefecture to remove the tumour, the Mainichi daily reported on Wednesday. But his doctor told the man, whose age and name were not reported, that a later examination found no cancer cells in the removed tissue, the report said. The man, who now has an artificial rectum, is demanding 35 million yen ($400,000) in compensation, the report said citing the complaint filed with the Miyazaki District Court. “We realise the complaint has been filed,” a hospital official said. “We will take appropriate action after examining the case.”

Fail: Burglar picks home of police dog squad officer to rob: “A burglar is in custody after picking the wrong house to rob at Sherwood in Brisbane’s southwest. The man allegedly broke into the house about 2.50am today while the occupants were asleep. He was in the garage with the doors of a car open, when one of the residents – a member of the police dog squad – awoke and went downstairs. He challenged the alleged offender who verbally abused the officer, before running away. The policeman then got his dog and tracked the man, catching him a short distance away. He is now being held in police custody and is expected to face break and enter charges.”

And don’t forget to catch up with all the Strange Justice before you go.

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